

Specials exist to develop skills and talents that promote a
well-rounded educational experience.


21st Century skills and technology

We are committed to providing a quality Christian education that uses 21st Century skills and technology at all grade levels.

Students use/receive instruction in the following:

  • Interactive Smart Boards

  • iPads

  • A new computer lab facility installed in 2023

  • Surface Pro touch screen tablets

  • Microsoft Office including a contract to include future versions as they are released

  • Keyboarding 

  • Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware endpoint protection on each machine



Because helping students to think and speak critically and constructively from a Bible-based Christian worldview is a major endeavor, we have elected to participate in the ACSI Speech Competition for elementary students.

Speech Meet helps students:

  • Understand the significance of speech as we relate with God and others

  • The importance of testifying to the character and nature of God

  • The content and manner of our speech matters


Academic Competitions

NCS provides opportunity for students to excel in academic areas through state and local competitions. Our students participate in these Wood County educational activities. 

  • Spelling Bee

  • Science Fair

  • Social Studies Fair

  • Young Authors

  • Young Illustrators

  • Math Field Day



Spanish class is held on a weekly basis with each class from Kindergarten through Middle School. The younger children work on counting, colors, animals, people, action words and basic conversational skills. Second through Middle Schoolers look at these things as well, but also learn verb meanings and conjugations.



“You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." –1 Corinthians 6:20


Physical Education & Wellness is a safe secure place where students can learn the fundamentals of exercise, sports, and healthy living.



Our students meet on a weekly basis to learn various aspects of music, from note recognition, to tempo and rhythm.  Intro to singing and theater.



Choir is an elective course offered to Third through Middle School.